Kuncizzjoni Chapel to Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

Kuncizzjoni Chapel to Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

The start

For this walk we met at the end point, Ghajn Tuffieha Bay car park. We then got a taxi to the start at Kuncizzjoni Chapel near Bahrija.

From the Kuncizzjoni Chapel, we followed a path running alongside the Victoria Lines. The Victoria Lines run across the top of Malta from the West to the East coast.

There were stunning views the whole way on this walk and a fairly clear path to follow most of the time. You could see the big Raddison Hotel at Golden Bay the whole time and you’re walking towards it along the coast so you can’t get too lost.

At the start of the walk, we passed the beautiful Fomm Ir-Rih. This bay is so amazing when you pass it but looks really tricky to get to the actual beach. There is a way down but today wasn’t the day to try it.

Gnejna Bay

After about 45 minutes we reached Gnejna Bay. Approaching from a small path to the side of this sandy beach on a quiet morning in the middle of the week is a totally different experience to the driving to the beach at the weekend. Driving at the weekend you often struggle to park the car and when you arrive there are ice cream and burger joints that line the beach. It was quiet and beautiful – like a new beach, we’d discovered.  We had a short breather here before we began a very steep climb.

This was a challenge! It was a really steep hike up from Genejna car park to the tower at the top of the cliffs above. Definitely not for the faint-hearted but well worth it for the views at the end! From the top it was a nice easy flat walk along to our final destination with breath-taking views the whole way.

Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

Also known as Riviera Bay I think it’s possibly the nicest beach in Malta. Perfect place to end a walk on a beautiful day. Some of us had a swim and then we had a lovely lunch in the restaurant, Singita.

A chapel
Kuncizzjoni Chapel – the starting point for the walk
Fomm Ir-Rih
Friday walking group shot
Close to the Victoria Lines
Approaching Gnejna
Climb up from Gnejna beach
Stopping for a photo – hand on hip whilst walking up from Gnejna
Overlooking Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

Beach view
Ghajn Tuffieha Bay – where we finished our walk

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